28th Biennial State Conference
New Jersey Association of the Deaf, Inc. is thrilled to be hosting our 28th Biennial State Conference. The event will take place Saturday, October 7th from 9:30am to 4pm.
The theme of our conference is "Importance of Your Rights."
To continue making a difference in the lives of individuals by the work of NJAD advocates and volunteers, it is imperative that this state-wide conference is open to all Deaf, DeafBlind, Hard-of-Hearing, Late-deafened residents, their family members and friends, interpreters, ASL students, and professional service providers. We want the conference accessible to all participants.
We would be truly honored if you will consider sponsoring the event. Your help allows our community to host these special events and offer resources and networking to many working hard to advocate for deaf people's equal rights and to protect and preserve American Sign Language. Your contribution would help provide help to individuals in need of assistance in our community.
Our community is so grateful for your support and excited to have you join our event.
Event Information
Date: Saturday, October 7, 2023 at 9:30am - 4pm
Location: Clark Library - 303 Westfield Ave. Clark, NJ 07066
To purchase an admission ticket for the conference - click here.
3 Workshops Information
Date: Friday, October 6, 2023 6pm - 9pm (Zoom only)
Presenter: Mark Apocada - NAD Parliamentarian
Title: Non-Profit Board Governance
Zoom link will be sent out to all registered attendees.
Date: Saturday, October 7, 2023 9:30am (In-person)
Presenter: Robert Robinson, Esq. - NJ Senior Staff Attorney with Disability Rights
Title: Why New Jerseyans Discard the Americans with Disabilities Act
Presenter: Jaclyne Pallies - NJ DDHH Deaf Specialist
Title: How to Advocate For Your Rights
Submit a conduct report - Click here
Special thanks to our sponsors:
- Sorenson
- Purple
Questions? Concerns? Email stateconference@deafnjad.org