NJ Deaf Community
Emergency Preparedness Resource
Anti-Terrorism Awareness for the Deaf Community
NJ Deaf CERT members share tips on protecting yourself during different types of terrorism attacks.

How to Prepare for a Tropical and/or Hurricane

Keep Your Cool in Hot Weather
As summer heats up, learn how to prepare for high temperatures.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC), sickness from the heat occurs when your body cannot compensate and properly cool you off. However, heat-related illness and death are preventable.
Before the next heat wave, outdoor activity, or Fourth of July celebration, follow these protective actions from the CDC and stay cool this summer:
Stay in an air-conditioned location as much as possible.
Drink plenty of fluids even if you do not feel thirsty.
Take several breaks from the heat, especially midday when the sun is hottest.
Wear loose, lightweight, light-colored clothing, and sunscreen. Remember that you should reapply sunscreen every three to four hours.
Take cool showers or baths to cool down.
Check on friends or neighbors during extremely hot days and have someone do the same for you.
Never leave children or pets in cars.
Check the local news for health and safety updates.
Turn Around, Don't Drown
Areas of the state are experiencing flooded roads and walkways. Here are a few tips to stay safe:
If your area is prone to flooding take precautions such as moving cars to higher ground.
Turn Around, Don’t Drown! Even six inches of fast moving floodwater can knock you off your feet, and a depth of two feet will float your car! Never try to walk, bike or drive through flooded areas. Water may be deeper than you think!
Do not attempt to drive over a flooded road. Obey traffic barriers. STOP! Turn around and go another way.
Keep children from playing in floodwaters or near culverts and storm drains.
Learn more about flood safety at https://www.ready.gov/floods

How to Prepare for a Winter Storm
Winter storms can bring freezing rain, ice, snow, high winds, or a combination of these conditions. They can cause power outages that last for days, make roads and walkways very dangerous, and can affect community services. Planning and preparing can help you manage the impact of a winter storm and keep you and your family safe. A sustained power outage can have a significant impact on people who require electricity to power medical equipment, so make sure that you have a plan to take care of yourself and your family during an outage.

Winter Care for Pets
Keep pets sheltered
Keep your pets inside with you and your family. Under no circumstances should pet cats be left outdoors, even if they roam outside during other seasons. Dogs are happiest when taken out frequently for walks and exercise, but kept inside the rest of the time. Don't leave pets outdoors when the temperature drops.